Struggling with pain, chronic disease or being a caretaker?
FREE 6-Week Virtual Workshops to help you find balance and take back your life!
Tri-County Community Action Agency SPC Regional Prevention Coalition is joining forces with the Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH) and Rhode Island Patient Information Network (RIPIN) to offer a series of six-week virtual workshops that address chronic pain self-management, caregiver tools and strategies for healthy living.
- Chronic Pain Self-Management (55+) March 8, 2022, 9:30-11am
Tools for easing pain, fatigue, stress, sleep problems and nutrition tips - Powerful Tools for Caregivers (18+)Two Offerings March 16, 2022,
6-7:30 pm, March 17, 2022, 9-10:30 am
Helps caregivers balance between caring for others and caring for yourself - Tools for Healthy Living (55+) (Chronic Disease) March 2, 2022, 8:30-11 am
Techniques for communicating effectively, managing symptoms, medications, stress, diet and exercise
For a more detailed description of the workshops, visit To register for workshops, visit